Monday, July 19, 2010

Technical Strategy - EMA 5/13/62 Strategy

They are the core element of this strategy.  From the beginning you should understand that I didn’t invent the 5/13/62 strategy. At least I don’t think I did. There are some extras that I add in, but essentially, all of this information is available elsewhere. That said, I believe that most of the people that write about forex have a way of putting you and I to sleep.

So maybe this is the first time you’ve heard about it, but in any event, I’ll try to keep it interesting. Here’s where we start. With a chart:
  1. Exponential Moving Average - EMA 5 (Red)
  2. Exponential Moving Average - EMA 13 (Blue)
  3. Exponential Moving Average - EMA 62 (Green)

You can easily see that when the 13 crosses below the 62, it seems like we are in a downward trending situation. The inverse is also true (although we cannot see it in the chart above): if the 13 crosses above the 62, it seems like we are in an upward moving trend.
That’s not quite everything, so we need to move on and do some more investigation.

Today's Forex Prediction Begin

Welcome first to this blog. Starting tomorrow, i will try to give prediction information about today's forex trading. For starting, I just share MAX and MIN for EUR/USD pair. See U Tomorrow :)